We are an intentionally small, independent team of designers and art directors. We specialize in building identities, by working with clients early on to help them define their brand, and partnering all the way through execution across key touch points. We also work with global brands on special projects and initiatives that demand fresh creative thinking.

We believe that a successful relationship is born out of collaboration and partnership. We listen to our clients carefully and dig deep to understand their objectives and audience. We are in constant pursuit of differentiation. We want our clients to stand out, not just fit in.

We have a carefully selected network of expert individuals who we partner with to meet the specific needs of a project, including writers, strategists, photographers, animators, filmmakers and creative technologists. This approach allows us to stay nimble while delivering world-class creative. We keep it in the family and work collaboratively with our clients and partners.

Room 12, 28th/Floor, One MIdTown, 11 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., HONG KONG
T+852 3460 3666 F+852 3460 3688

© 2016 Uchee Creative Ltd. All rights reserved. Uchee Creative is a Uchee Group company.

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